“Royal-School of English” was founded in 2001. It has been outstanding in its field ever since, not only because of the exceptional learning conditions and teaching excellence, but also because of the results that its students have been achieving. It is situated in the centre of the city, in pleasant and fully equipped school premises.
Active and creative classes in small groups, for children and adults. We use only British course books and programmes.
They complement the regular school curriculum by introducing elements of culture and tradition of the people whose language the students study.
Methodology: Active and creative classes in small groups (6-8 students) give the teachers opportunity to pay attention to each and every student and follow his/her work and progress in detail. Such an approach ensures successful development of communication skills of the students, which is the purpose of learning a language.
Teaching materials: We use the programmes and course books of two British publishers (Oxford University Press and Macmillan Education). We also use up-to-date audio visual equipment in order to increase learning motivation of our students. Besides, there is a school library, where the books are classified by genre and the level of complexity and which is always at students’ disposal.
Classes for children: We pay special attention to the young ones, since we want their first contact with a foreign language to be a pleasant experience and learning a language - spontaneous and easy. They learn through creative games, dialogues, acting out, miming, singing and learning words and phrases related to their closest surroundings.
Classes for adults: Apart from classes for children, we also have classes for adults. With great pleasure, we want to point out our successful work with elderly students who, no matter what their age, have managed to master the basic rules of the English language.
Cambridge ESOL Examinations: We approach the preparation for these exams methodically and with great attention to detail because internationally acclaimed certificate is “the cherry on the cake”. It is also recognition for the thorough, long-lasting work of both our teachers and our students who spoke their first English words in our school. We want to point out, with great pleasure, that the percentage of students who have already passed the exams is ultimate, which means that all of those who have taken exams for B2 or C1 levels have successfully passed them at The British Council in Belgrade. Since a lot of parents of our younger students have been interested in Cambridge Young Learners English Tests, we will try to organize those exams in our school, in collaboration with The British Council.
Exams for children:
Exams for adults:
Parent - teacher cooperation - Knowing that parent – teacher cooperation is a very important part of a learning process, we pay special attention to it. We inform parents about progress of their children regularly by means of written three-month progress reports. Besides, each Friday between 5 and 6 p.m. is the time for individual, one-to-one meetings and conversations. During that time parents are informed, either personally or on the phone, about anything they would like to know about the school and school activities. Finally, at the end of each school year parents fill in the questionnaire where they can write their comments and suggestions concerning all aspects of work in our school. The information from the questionnaire is invaluable for us since it helps us improve the quality of service.
You can see samples of reports on students' progress here and samples of questionnaires in which our students and their parents evaluate our work.
Five o'clock tea parties - They are held on Saturdays, during winter months. Apart from drinking English tea with milk, our young students also have the opportunity to watch cartoons from English-speaking countries. This activity helps them develop listening comprehension skills at an early age.
Playshops They are held for Christmas and the end of the school year. Our young students can enjoy interesting social games, quizzes, karaoke contests but also get appropriate gifts and rewards.
Drama workshop Students of our school can show their talent for languages and drama through acting in short plays for their younger friends, who also take part in the performances by making comments and showing spontaneous reactions, which turn the whole event into an unforgettable experience. So far, we have already staged two plays with “a moral” (Christmas in Ugland and The Empty Box) the video clips of which you can see in our E - school magazines.
Contests Contests for the best/the wittiest story, poem or any other kind of work in English are held for Christmas, St. Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween…
Electronic school magazine - Both the teachers and the students with their works contribute to this E – school magazine. It covers all the activities that are carried out during one school year, but there are also pages where students can learn something new about different aspects of English culture. ’Around England’ describes big English cities, ‘A Famous Character’ presents lives of famous British people, whereas ‘Funny Pages’ are meant to entertain the readers. All of these are spiced up with the music of both modern and retro English musicians.
You can see the magazines which have been published so far here and you can also read some of the texts from our regular columns.
Summer Schools in England - In cooperation with The English Book Education, in July 2011 we took our students to a summer school camp in Canterbury for the first time. In that way we gave them the opportunity to use and improve their English in colloquial situations, meet other cultures and experience unforgettable moments in an English college accompanied by children from all over the world. Besides Canterbury, there are summer camps in Cambridge, London, Nottingham, Oxford, Cardiff… For more information go to www.englishbook-edu.rs.
Our students have become a part of Cambridge English Penfriends project. For now, we have been exchanging cards with the students of one language school from Romania, but hope to be able to make a lot of new friends all around the world.